Are you thinking about medication seeing a therapist or psychologist for the way you feel? Are you constantly feeling difficult emotions? Are you overthinking and putting yourself down? Are you finding that your friends and family find that you are hard to hang around with? Are you struggling with feelings of anger, anxiety, depression and guilt?
If any of those things sound like you, you’re in the right place, and help is on the way.
Once you learn how you upset yourself and learn how you create your emotions, everything starts to change.
If you don’t know how you are creating these negative patterns then how can you ever be happy for long?
You can’t, it’s impossible.
Most people would say try pharmaceuticals.
Medication often numbs you and comes with side effects, and endless monthly expense, and medication only treats symptoms, it doesn’t treat the source of the problem.
Or you may consider months or years of therapy
Finding the right therapists isn’t easy. Most patients try several different therapists before making a commitment. That takes time and costs money. Many of us can’t afford months of therapy just to make a bit of progress, if any.
You want to feel better right now.
What can you do about the way you feel right now without seeing a therapist or psychologist?
Try Dr. Parr’s online course.
Learn how you create your emotions, and how to feel better quickly.
You want to learn from the best.
You want to feel better right now.
While this isn’t a quick fix or a cure, if you apply what Dr. Parr teaches, you will begin to feel better not only today, but you’ll know how to feel better every time one of these old patterns shows itself.
That’s what you will get right here right now.
We teach you the exact way you create your emotions and how to let go of them right now without medication or even an office visit.
- Learn how we set ourselves up to feel anger anxiety depression guilt
- Learn the formulas: how we create anger, anxiety, depression and guilt and how to let go of them
- Learn what mental contamination is and how to get rid of it
- Learn the 3 insights to a mind of peace
- Learn the 7 irrational beliefs that create all emotional suffering
- Learn the 2 formulas for happiness
- Learn meditation techniques
- Learn practical tips to keep the mind healthy and happy