How I used an app to help my anxiety and depression.

I just got over my anxiety and depression with, 

Let me show you how I did it.

First, I began the video course. 

Here there are 11 chapters of videos, animations, and worksheets that teach you how emotional suffering is created, because it’s not just anxiety and depression, there are 4 negative emotions, Dr. Parr calls them the 4 blocks to peace and happiness, those are anger, anxiety, depression and guilt. 

It took me only about an hour and a half to get through everything in the course, then I watched it a few more times. Dr. Parr is so easy to learn from, he really gets you to start feeling better right away. 

Now this is where the magic happens. 

Because the next time I felt anger, anxiety, depression or guilt, I simply went to the formulas that Dr. Parr taught me, and I began the 4 step disputing process to feel better. 

It only takes a few minutes, and the negative emotion is either less intense, or gone completely, and I can begin to think clearly again. 

Now when something happens that used to upset me, I have the tools to stop it before it takes me over. 

I used to be mad about things for months, anxious about the future for hours at a time, and I was depressed for years with zero self-confidence. 

Now I stop these feelings before they start. This is what they should be teaching us in school!

This is vastly different than traditional therapy, which spends weeks and months discussing your problems at $200/hour, racking up thousands in costs. 

We don’t have to discuss your problems, we teach you how to address the negative emotions directly, which saves you immeasurable time and money. And it’s more effective!